How do you find yourself fighting for happiness?
What is your precious source of happiness, wellspring of joy?
Our tendency is to make circumstances our source of happiness.
I’ll be honest…I’m just not a hope-driven, patiently enduring, calm and confident person by nature (you’ve probably gathered that by now through my posts😬).
In fact, the Lord has been revealing quite a heart of yuck – and it’s been staggering to witness.
I can’t embrace joy in my days because circumstances keep veering me off the path of heart’s intent. …
Just once, can I make it through half of my day without battling some kind of anguish or disappointment? I mean, couldn’t that be a fun test, to marvel at what might occur when I for ONCE do something other than melt into gloppy puddle at facing my daily obstacles?
This is just what God has revealed as of late. How much I LACK daily joy because I don’t FIGHT.
I must have been feeling particularly daring yesterday, because when I met yet another disappointment for the third time in my morning, in the depths of my staggeringly strong emotions, I made to meet the test head on and finally do something different.
I know – and have known for awhile – that my slumping over, sighing a half prayer, and wallowing in whatever self-focused emotion was dragging me down is just not cutting it.
Let me tell you, the feeling I had when I decided to shove the emotions aside and just aim to take Him at His word, press forward in faith, and rely on future grace to carry me through as I chose to obey…
A weight was lifted.
In that moment, I was free to let go of what was troubling me and just embrace it’s okay, it will somehow be alright.
My whole being could move on to what was next in my day without dwelling on what I had seemingly lost.
Not a surprise that we cannot hold onto our circumstances as the fountain for our joy…
No, we have a much greater One to hold onto… 💛
What Fighting for Happiness SHOULD Look Like
Our main source of joy is to be our Savior alone.
It is so easy to let a statement like that gloss over us. We’ve heard it a million times and why, of course – we know that’s where our joy should be?!
But then we take a step out our bedroom door Monday morning and the foe that’s forgetfulness whisks us away.
In all your moments, flowing from all your being…
Make Him your everything.
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
– phil 4:11-13
That is joy in the midst of suffering, grace-filled fight for the sweet contentment only found in Him.
And in fact, our greatest example is the One who suffered and died “for the joy set before Him” (heb 12:2).
The fight for happiness is none other than a daily holding onto Him…
amazing character
prodigious benefactor
He is ALL those and more.
We have All-knowing Creator, Almighty Savior, who loves us with a fierce passion. He holds us in the palm of His hand and we shall never slip from Love’s able grasp. In essence, we “fight” for something we already have. Yet our finicky hearts seem to forget so easily.
And this joy? It’s not simply there in the future. It’s right before your eyes – yours for the taking in the present.
Let’s hold fast to this precious gift given, and learn how to effectively fight for what was so dearly purchased…
Tips in Fighting for Happiness:
1. Put on joy in the morning
No, this isn’t my number one tip reveal, but it’s definitely my number TWO – it’s been so helpful to me.
Even while we sleep, the Joy is there, simply because the source of joy never leaves. Lingers upon us and in us, surrounding and protecting and blessing.
We awake, still covered in His wonderful blessing and protection. Yet we somehow seem to roll out of bed and careen forward into our day, bent on tasks #1-37 needing accomplishment by 10 pm.
Sheesh. Whirlwind of emotions and productivity, no wonder the happiness slips away so easily.
When you arise, put on that robe of joy that awaits to envelop.
My morning prayerful self-talk goes something like this:
Sweet savior,
the joy is there for me because You are there for me.
I’m putting on joy now,
wrapping myself in You and all that You are and have for me.
Open my eyes to the beauty around me today.
Please help me hold onto joy and trust and follow you as I deal with
(fill in the blank based on yesterday’s struggles).
You are enough for me today.
2. Remind yourself the season will end
Nothing lasts forever except Heaven and the things we can bring there – which is almost nothing.
If you’re surrounded by the dark waters of tiresome trial,
remember it will not last.
Remind yourself of eternity…one day, everything will be set right, all will be good and peace and light as we look upon Him with our own eyes.
3. Have a dedicated daily quiet time
Want to help yourself embrace the joy in the morning, happiness in Him to carry you daylong and into the eve?
Dedicate yourself, your heart, your time, to pursuing peace.
First thing in the morning is ideal, though I know not everyone can adhere to that timeframe.
Do what works for you.
4. Give yourself grace…and a break
In our modern American culture, everything tends to be go, go, go. We work hard, rest little, say yes to everything, over-commit, and feel guilty when our battery is drained and we have to quit.
He does not hold you to this standard. Neither should you.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
– mt 11:28-30
5. Surround yourself with scriptures stating He is enough
He is enough. Though it’s healthy and encouraging to have hopes and dreams – we should have those! – we must hold to them lightly. We need nothing else like we need the presence and delight of our Savior.
Pick a portion of scriptures to hold close to your heart and reflect upon during the day. Stuck to mirrors, placed in purses, used as bookmarks – wherever you’ll see them and access them best 💛
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
– ps 16:11
6. Trust the plan
He truly knows best.
Sometimes we think we can’t bear a certain outcome, it’s “unacceptable” to us and things simply must change.
We need to remove that way of thinking.
The Great Author penned the way for you long in advance…you were never promised ease or lightness of life, rather, trials and tribulations.
Praise Him that He has the plan and will always work out everything for our good (rom 8:28).
7. Ask for help
Don’t walk this road alone.
Ask for assistance from your Father above, from your friends and church family.
Beauty is found in bearing one another’s burdens (gal 6:2).
8. Find your little delights in the season you’re in (then journal about them)
I’ve talked about gratitude a lot on the blog. I cannot overemphasize the importance of a thankful heart in claiming happiness in your heart. Gratitude puts all things in perspective and illuminates even the littlest joys and delight.
This also works in the sense of distracting your thoughts.
9. Obey in the hard moments
We are all creatures of habit by design.
When those hard moments lay hold of you, you lay hold of solid truths –
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
– rom 12:2
We were never meant to follow our emotions. We were always meant to follow truth, even when it’s most difficult for you.
Is it surprising my NUMBER ONE tip is also the most difficult to carry out?
Simply because it will yield the most fruit.
And when you obey, especially in those hardest moments when everything in you wants to do the opposite, His future grace will be there for you, providing everything you need on the straight and narrow.
The Surprise Revealed in Fighting for Happiness
I am SO excited to reveal a little surprise here in this post!
Get this –
I wrote the beginning of this post last year, put it down, and didn’t return to it until now.
When I read those first several paragraphs, I was shocked –
You see, I remember when I penned those words…the struggle was real, and intense, and daily…
The struggle is gone.
I don’t deal with that same daily grief over circumstances gone awry. Not to say I don’t ever wrestle with this anymore, but it IS NOT the same intense, crazy, won’t-let-me-breathe kind of daily struggle.
Living, breathing, proof of a Miracle Worker who changes us.
Evidence of His holy and powerful sanctification at work in me.
And, can I say – completely exciting to see the fruit of walking with Him!!
Oh, friend – step down the long road, put in the many moments, weeks, years, of following Him and fighting to hold fast the glorious gifts given to you.
The fight for happiness is well worth the gold found, the trophy won.
Thanks for sharing these useful tips. God bless x
You’re welcome! God bless you, too! 🙂
Loved the tips, Kara!
Wonderful ideas here! He truly is our everything!
I love that He is the holder of all our happiness – we can never lose our joy if it’s found in Him!
Love this post! Thanks for sharing your struggle and wise tips! Tip 6 and 8 have encouraged me the most in my present situation.
So glad to hear, Hadassah! It’s wonderful, keeping a gratitude journal! And you’ll have so many entries to look back upon and recount as joy. 🙂