Wow – So glad you made it here! Grab a cup of tea and settle into your coziest nook to read on. I’ll share a few things about me – but first, this little website you’ve stumbled upon…
Regardless of where we start or what we’ve traveled through…
All of us find ourselves walking along a broken path amidst a broken world
Life pieces shattered, hearts torn asunder, all wrapped together within fragile frames…messiness of our lives. Not an easy course, yet the bigger picture reveals something more – brokenness as a herald to abundant joy. A cracked acorn revealing the sprout of new life.
Beauty in the brokenness
Sometimes seemingly elusive to find, yet always existing in the rubble, cherished treasure to those who find it. The search continues here.
Amidst the Broken is NOT a how-to, which is how many blogs function. I would love to tell you how to fix your pain, provide the answer for your troubles and lay the tools on your lap for quick remedy.
…In one sense, there are answers.
…But in another sense, the answer is not a pill you swallow at night, with the hopes for full restoration in the morning, never the symptoms shall repeat.
Instead, please think of this as a
- hold your hand site 💕
- A walk with me while we walk with Him and let’s see where He leads site 💕
- An intimate, let’s get to know each other site 💕
Because as much as I want you to know me and see His power and work in my life, I want to have the privilege to know a bit of you and lift up your needs in prayer before Him. Yes, sometimes I will be able to lead you to some sort of answer. But that answer alone will not suffice, unless you are willing to get down to the grit and bear that cross every day.
Searching for more answers…
Pieces of the puzzle that lead to THE Answer
Is it funny that life is such a journey, that the fix it quick is left for fairy tales and home improvement sites, and the pathway of your life is walked one step at a time? Healing comes in pieces…my hope is that this site would be one marker on your venture to more JOY, LOVE, PEACE…more of Him.
Now, a few tidbits about me…
Mama of four, our hearts were called to rescue a little one from China, so we’ll soon have five. Also a foster family, we feel a calling to tiny souls in need.
I homeschool (Charlotte Mason style – LOVE it), so I get to be with my kiddos all day long. Though there are challenges, there are so many perks! I’m happy to be able to shepherd their hearts moment by moment, see them blossom, and provide such a rich feast of learning. CM schooling involves lots of time in nature, so you’ll find me spending my time:
- studying the intricacies of a flower petal
- listening for the calls of favorite birds
- or gazing up at daytime clouds or nighttime stars
And you’ll see some of my nature love in the pics I post here.
My journey to Jesus wasn’t an easy one.
Nor was it quick. It took many years of dark road and agonizing heart to reach Joy. His road for me has trudged through the depths of
suffocating anxiety
utter hopelessness
suicidal notions
multiple doctors dosing multiple medications
quitting school
enduring years of self-harm
desperate cries for help
Receiving Jesus at the bottom of the abyss was the best thing that’s happened to me.
I’m an extreme HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and my sensitivity played a key factor in my tribulations. If you’re an HSP, this site is for you! I SO understand.
Because of the road I endured, I’m embued with a driven perseverance and compassion in helping others – thus, Amidst the Broken was born.
Passion-filled music steeped in Biblical truths are a heartfelt calling. Music has the power to reach us at a deeper level and bring healing. I’ve a sweet desire to open eyes and hearts through powerful words and grounded worship.
Other than all this, I do love journeys and adore traveling…although, I can’t say I’ve done much of it, so perhaps I’m in love with it more in heart than in practice. One of my dream trips would be as an advocate for Samaritan’s Purse or Compassion International.
They who dive in the sea of affliction, bring back rare pearls -Charles Spurgeon
I’m a firm believer that those who suffer greatly have more capacity to hold joy. That riches of heart lie in the deepest places. The broken places. If you’re here, consider what led you…and rest in the hands of divine providence and a Heavenly Father who loves. Breathe deep, soak it in, take a little time here…