Is being a mom harder than you thought?
I remember it like it was yesterday.
The excitement of a dream fulfilled, new beginnings of family with our first babe in tow, an eventful entrance into the world…
Then came the aftermath.
Sleepless nights, balancing acts…
worries and sin talks…
heart issues and illness…
and so much more.
Being a mom is harder than I thought it ever could be.
Perhaps I didn’t contemplate it enough beforehand. I remember the week before having my first, knowing he would be there in our arms in the span of just another seven days, but I’m not sure I thought through what things might really be like.
Thirteen years later, after always having had a baby, toddler, kiddo or teen at my side – now I know.
Truly, this writing is a tribute to all those hard-working moms who never give up, even when things get rough…
I’ve started a list, the incredibly hard and the childishly funny and maybe you can find yourself wrapped in number 6, or 17, or 29, or whatever strikes your memories past or situation present.
Can you relate to some of these?
The Hard Things:
- When your infant cries incessantly whenever he’s not latched on to you
- When you break your baby by failing to strap him into his stroller and he falls out and cracks his head – all at 2 months of age 🤭
- When your baby breaks you 😳
- When you’re juggling a baby, full-time job, another pregnancy, and a body that wants to give up
- When you lose a child
- When you’re dozing off from exhaustion during schooltime and playtime
- When you’re so exhausted, you find yourself putting the car in park at stoplights and asking your kids to tell you when the light turns green so you can close your eyes for a minute. (Yes, I’m sorry to say, this was me!)
- When you find yourself constantly saying, “Next week/month/year I’ll get more sleep”
- When you were so excited to have a full house of littles, only to discover the full house is too noisy and chaotic for you
- When you couldn’t wait for your child to have a playmate in their younger sibling, only to find they fight like cats and dogs
- When you take your little ones to the zoo, only to have your baby scream nonstop and refuse to eat, and your toddler throw up on himself and later gash his forehead on a guardrail by accidentally walking into it (we haven’t been back to that zoo since)
- When your child develops extreme anxiety and obsessive behaviors and you don’t know what to do
- When your child is trapped on the other side of the world with no end in sight and all you want to do is bring her home
- When you still have to be the mom they need in spite of unfortunate medical issues that bring unending physical pain
- When you want to be their ALL, only to realize that’s God’s place
- When you have to let go
- When your baby codes pink
- When your toddler is terrified both to pee in her diaper AND pee in the potty and lets you know so 4-5 times a night 😖
- When the homeschooling schedule is sucking your life away
- When you’re so stressed, you feel a nervous breakdown coming on
- When you’re torn between house necessities and their desires and the guilt starts to pour
- When you’ve yelled for the 17th time that day and don’t know how to stop
- When you’ve only asked the kids to do something 27 times before they follow through
- When you need a break and there’s none in sight
- When you correct and discipline and guide and see no result
- When the attitude starts
- When you can’t help but be annoyed by them
- When you’ve sinned against your child and need to apologize
- When you’re wrong
- When your child has been lying to you, denying they’ve been eating candy out of the pantry or secretly watching YouTube video game videos in bed during the night
- When you’re child eats too little, too much, or like a wild animal
- When your house won’t stay tidy for more than 2 hours (if you even make it that long)
- When your child develops a lifelong autoimmune illness
- When your older child hurts your younger child by sailing him down the stairs on a mattress
From the mundane and silly to the serious and hard taxing – Yes, these are all mine. Every single one. But I know I’m not alone in some of them… 😉
Did I sign up for this? Did any of us truly know what we were getting into?
Nope, none of us know (and it’s probably better that way)…
But God did.
He knew the plan for us. In fact, he tailored it Himself. He brought us to this place of utter chaos, life full, stress and headache and joy and tears.
❤️ You see, He knows –
your capacity…
your needs…
your breaking point.
Your hopes…
your desires…
your heart.
Your timelines…
your future…
your best.
And He knows your children.
Just who they are, who they will become, and the ‘specially-tailored-for-them people they need as their biggest fans, their sole providers, their comforters and guiders and the holders of their youth.
Your children need you.
They always have and, while we’re planted here on this earth, they always will.
The Hardest Thing is the Most Worthwhile
Besides the fact that motherhood is the single most frustrating and demanding job a person could hold, it’s also the most important.
The most rewarding.
What other position sets you tending the littlest of hearts to behold –
Majestic Creator engulfed in starry sky
Servant King hidden in heartfelt gesture
Amazing Love in sacrificial life
To train those growing minds and envelop fresh hearts in the whole purpose of existence itself – to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
What other job puts you in direct contact with the future of His kingdom? His heart is His people.
If you’re in the trenches of motherhood, feeling the effects of a sometimes thankless job, please know –
every moment you spend
cooking and cleaning and washing
nurturing and listening and correcting
loving and praying and helping
is a moment going for the glory of a greater cause.
Behold, children are a heritage
ps 127:3-5
from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!
No – I didn’t know what I was getting into – but I didn’t have to.
Because I’d go through it all again in a heartbeat.
I’d take the exhaustion and the fussy hearts and messy house for that honored badge of motherhood.
All those sleepless nights, what-to-do worries, frustrations and headaches – mingled with the little silly years, the hugs and tears and kisses, the heartfelt conversations and smiles and thanks –
In the end, it’s all worth it.
Motherhood and The Hard Ending
How time grows short as kids grow fast. They shoot up in shoe size, dress size, against marked up doorways, and all the while, the moments pass slowly yet quickly.
When I see the paradox of time against the backdrop of feet running, hearts pounding, laughter and hugs and flowers and games, you know what that makes me want to do?
Enjoy the moment.
Savor each occasion, each new breath in each unspoiled day, because in the twinkling of an eye, all those moments –
They’re gone.
Perhaps the hardest thing is having to let go.
Yes, being a mom is harder than I thought. But it’s what He’s called me to be.
And I look forward to the day when I witness the fullness of fruit on that other side of eternity. 💕
🧡 For that hard-working mom –
I ran across these cards on a whim last week and I’ve never seen anything quite like them.
They’re beautifully crafted, prefabbed encouragement cards that you can give to other moms to bring a blessing to their day!
Each card contains a beautifully written word of encouragement, scripture, and quote 🧡
If you’re wanting to encourage a mom in your life, whether it be your own, a new mom, or a mom who just needs some inspiration and cheer, click to pick up these gorgeous cards on Amazon:
Note: This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. However, I will only ever recommend products I love and truly believe will bring you value!
They also have them for kids, as well as cards centered on healing, courage, joy, grace, tough times, Bible promises – you name it! Check out all the different kinds here on Amazon.
Motherhood certainly is challenging… let’s add to the list!
What are some of your hard things?
Feel free to leave a comment below or send me a note❣️
I 🧡 hearing from you!
Such a great encouragement for mothers! I don’t have children but I am convinced this is the most challenging and regarding job in the world!
Thanks, Hadassah! 😊
I found this true as well. I looked forward to motherhood with joy. I knew there would be problems–we all have sin natures, after all. But we’d love and discipline them, and all would be well. Silly me. 🙂 It’s odd how mothering can be so draining and depleting and discouraging and yet so rewarding and pleasing and fulfilling. Hardest of all was how it brought out my own sinful tendencies and shortomings. But all of that led me to lean on Him for strength and wisdom all the more.
Yes, it’s funny how much of a shock some things are when we really get into the nitty gritty of mothering. Love all the adjectives you used to describe – they are all on point, every single one! I’m not sure how some moms get through motherhood (successfully) without fully relying on God – I truly would be nothing without Him!
This is so real – and so beautiful!
You actually made me tear up 🙂
I can’t wait to have mine…:)
Thank you.
Oh Debby…I’m so glad to have touched your heart ☺️ ! You’re welcome ❣️
I can relate to most of these mom-struggles. Yes, parenting is much harder, and much more rewarding, than I thought. Through the challenges, God has grown me up along with my kids!
Being a parent is so sanctifying! 🙂
Being a mom has brought some of my biggest highs and most gut wrenching worries. I wouldn’t trade the privilege for anything! Thanks so much for helping me remember and celebrate along with you today.
You’re welcome, Patti!
The hardest part is not being a helicopter mom (my babies are 27 and 28 now—so I’ve had lots of practice). And it’s still hard to watch them make choices you wouldn’t make.
I’m constantly reminded to take things to the Lord in prayer. Thankful He’s in control and has a plan when we see our kids making choices we don’t feel are the wisest. 💙
I’d say the hardest part of being a mom is trusting God when my kids struggle – whether I’m concerned about a health-issue or heart-issue! It’s so hard to release them to God and remember they are not mine!!
I totally agree! Learning to release them to God is definitely a journey.