Our illusory strength
Not surprisingly, I feel weak on a daily basis.
One day in particular most recently, arriving at day’s end in tears, I distinctly remember agonizing the bitter pill of my insufficiency.
Again, I had fallen flat on my face.
Again, my efforts seemed to no avail.
Again, I was brought to my knees and reminded.
Not a rarity in our culture, we’re all destined to feel the gravity of our weakness on a continual basis – for most, that would mean each and every day.
How often do I spy the welling up of my heart in anger, frustration, or helplessness during the day’s scene?
How many times do I reach evening’s end on bruised knees, crawling to unmade bed, pulling heavy quilt over my head, yearning to awash my reality in sleep and start anew (figuratively – or sometimes literally)?
Why do I have to continually reach, Why this again? I vowed to not fall in the same pit
I fell into yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that…
-Isaiah 40:30
Even on my best days, I cannot deny I feel a bit out of element. On those most superior days, those glorious acts were never exclusively pure –
always hints of
of wonder
And when I do act in strength, I’m a fool to believe I somehow did that all on my own. As if all that “weak” stuff was just an act the day before, playing the part when I could have stopped my insufficiency in it’s tracks at will.
No one can truly escape the reality of their weaknesses
As strength waxes and wanes day in and out, as we view a world wrecked with sin, outcome of our major inadequacy, we swallow the hard realities of our deficiencies and failings. We cannot deny we’re weak…but then, who is strong?
Who is the STRONGEST?
‘Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.’
*Jeremiah 32:17
I love you, O LORD, my strength.
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
*Psalm 18:1-2
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;
*Isaiah 40:22
Wow. Grasshoppers.
While we like to puff ourselves up in our mind, career, social circle, counting our achievements and status like prized brass medals on an office shelf, in the whole scheme of existence…
…we’re more like tiny bugs.
Akin to those little hopping insects, oblivious to the gargantuous planet, galaxy, universe, in which they play a minuscule part, the picture in that last scripture doesn’t even paint God as a person walking the earth…
…but as sitting above the circle of the earth.
~ He’s Ultimate Creator, and not having to build with hands, but merely breath, speaking life into existence out of the nothingness (Genesis 1-2)
~ Mighty God, who incites kingdoms to fall, turns the hearts of rulers like he guides the bending of rushing river (Proverbs 21:1)
~ Rock of our Refuge, our sure fortress in times of trouble (Psalm 18:2)
~ Perfect Man, without even the hint of sin in a world raging with stench of corruption (2 Corinthians 5:21)
That Man without blemish emptied himself, left a kingly throne and came to Earth to rescue sinners in desperate need of a savior. He humbled Himself:
The strongest choosing to become weak
the King choosing to become servant
Ultimate strength shown in uttermost weakness
Jesus defeated the grappling power of sin and death by “taking the form of a servant” and “becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2).
This laying down of life He calls us to follow.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
We were never meant to be strong in ourselves
Flip through the pages of scripture, you will not find a command to gear ourselves up in all the strength we can muster.
Rather, time and again, our eyes alight upon directions to run to Him, trust in Him, hold fast to Him, because He is the One who is strong and good and able. If we do have opportunity for strength the world may value, we’re asked to humble ourselves, lay down for others.
When we rely on Him in our unguarded moments and make it through those most vulnerable times, holding fast to His promises and His goodness, then we see the “power…made perfect in weakness.” Then He gets the glory for taking us through hard days, frustrating failings, things we deemed impossible to handle.
And the world witnesses.
Though ironic that we’re strongest when we’re weakest, that’s what makes sense.
In our weakness, that’s when the One who truly IS the strongest shines
Being a strong person means being our own weak selves and relying on the strongest of all to uphold us – a mighty God. It’s turning to Him and trusting He’ll provide the grace we need to carry us through (2 Peter 1:3). When we rest upon present and future grace, we’re no longer the fool who crafted his house upon the sand…
…but the wise one who built his home on the Rock.
His power made perfect in our weakness.
Just how do we do this?
Can you picture what that looks like?
A Picture of the life lived Strong in Him
Greeting the morning with coffee armed in hand and Bible tucked under arm, filling ourselves with powerful promises to stand upon throughout our day, our life, communing with Creator of the universe in quiet moments. He’s given us His Word for our daily battle – it’s our sword – amongst other things (Ephesians 6:17).
Recalling those precious truths as the enemy shoots the fiery arrows, we can feel the reality of our weakness while His power extinguishes those flames.
Those “other things” hinted at are sweet mercies of provision for us, and they are many:
💕 Reaching out to a dear friend in the Lord for a shoulder and prayer, iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17)
💕 Allowing the Holy Spirit to minster healing to heavy heart through truth poured out in worship
💕 Grasping that shield of faith “in all circumstances” as you take steps forward (Ephesians 6:16), despite the weariness you endure
💕 Reminding yourself of the underserved gift of salvation, most precious treasure.
All these, strongholds in our day.
Circumstances don’t have to rule us, as we know we have the most powerful Being who leads us through the most trying times.
A grave disappointment in ourselves –
another failure we suffer –
an inability to perform as we’d like –
doesn’t have to stop us as pray those scriptures and let His glory shine.
A breath of fresh air.
Building that sure foundation, day after day, month after month, year after year, keeps the house standing strong amidst the tornadoes of life.
Our Sufferings…
Designed to keep us closer & magnify His name
Peek at that 2 Corinthians passage one more time: Paul is given a thorn, an unknown element of suffering in his life, and he asks God to remove it. God responds and tells him no, that His name is glorified in Paul’s pain. Did you catch that? Christ’s purpose in Paul’s suffering was to magnify His own glory.
Isn’t it amazing that our very own weaknesses, sufferings and trials are the design of God, extended to us as, I daresay, a gift, to keep us close to Him?
This walk that we’re walking, carrying our cross daily as we live out the gospel, was never meant to be easy.
It was meant to lead us to Him…
knowing Him
trusting Him
loving Him
And when we get to the place where we can say, “I praise you for this strife, because it magnifies you and You are what it’s all about…”
then, we’re right where we need to be.
…the gospel is strange. Its goal is not my immediate ease. Its goal is my being so in love with Christ and so passionate about his glory that when my suffering can highlight his worth I will bear it “gladly.”
-John Piper, God is the Gospel
Hi Kara,
I relate to this in so many ways. Thank you for the reminder that our suffering helps to magnify Him. That is our purpose!
Peace and grace,
You’re welcome, Tammy! Thanks for connecting here! 🙂